PTfit Daily - Live For Today
Monday is upon us and another work week will be in full force. I hope most of you reading this had a wonderful weekend. Let's not live...
PTfit Daily - Stop Cravings with Apricots
Without getting super in depth with this fruit, apricots will help crave your sweet tooth. This is primarily due to the sugars and fiber...
PTfit Daily - Carbs Before Drinking Alcohol?
Over the last four years, I have learned the in's and out's of alcohol and food consumption while trying to decrease body fat. Just...
PTfit Daily - Long Cardio vs. Sprints
Let's say you stay with me for the next year, you will have accumulated three-hundred and sixty-five minutes of increasing your knowledge...
Don’t let the fitness of your business get in the way of your own personal health!
This article was published on PEN Lean Startup: Stay Fit While Growing Your Business “I have too much work to do before I can go...
How to Make a Positive Change to Your Health in Just One Minute
It is almost the end of April, and with the seasons taking a positive change, make the right steps towards moving your body and getting...
Testimonials and Success Stories for Your Dose of Motivation
Here is your dose of motivation to get you through your day and week. Take time to learn how all of these individuals have achieved their...
You Are Super - Find Your Inner Heroics
You don't know it yet, but you are a superhero. Whether you are a man, woman, boy, girl, or young child. You are a superhero. Every day,...
How 48 Hours Changed My Life (Twice)
I contemplated how I wanted to present this in my blog over the last few days. I started this post about three days ago and was nervous...
Who and Why? - Squats for Soldiers
When Doug Pinter, the owner of Anytime Fitness North Peoria approached me about organizing a charity fundraising event this year, I was...