The Benefits of Cardio
Whether you like cardio or not, it may be something that needs to be implemented regularly in your exercise routine. Many studies have...

When Should You Do Cardio?
Just like many other questions in the fitness world the answer is, “it depends.” Doing cardio before or after your strength training all...

Nutrition On the Go
A lot of people live their lives on the go most of the time. We are all very busy and have a lot to get done. This can make it a lot...

Stretching 101
Stretching is essential to any workout program. Warming up your muscles before doing any physical activity will help prevent injuries...

Post Workout Nutrition
You just finished a hard workout and now you are starving. What do you grab to eat? What and when you eat after a workout can have a big...

Q&A with Patrick Thompson
Googling is an easy way to get information fast, but is it really all that reliable? I sat down with Patrick Thompson, head trainer at...