Q&A With Patrick Thompson
We have the world at our fingertips, but not everything on the internet can be trusted. This is why I sat down with Patrick Thompson,...

Exercise For Life, Not Weight Loss or Appearance
What if I told you that there were other reasons we should and need to exercises besides losing weight or getting beach body ready? Exercise

Spring Fundamentals for Fitness Are Made Simple
Summer is around the corner but springtime is straight ahead. With the warmer temperatures coming up, get excited about going outside to...

How much of an impact does a trainer have on your gym results?
When the journey all started, I trained for six months with a buddy who wanted the same thing as me. We were looking to get big! In my...

What Can Having a Training Partner Really Do For Your Fitness?
When you are trying to reach your goals in anything, especially in fitness, two major keys are accountability and discipline. When you...

The Truth About Taking Supplements
You’ve just joined a gym, you now have a date on the calendar, and you are ready to reach your goals. What do you do now?

Why You Should Wake Up Earlier
I am currently going on week four of waking up anywhere between 3:30 and 4:30 AM, just depends on the day of the week. Sounds crazy, I...

PTfit Daily - Part Numero Dos of 3 Goals to Set (Update)
Are you up to date with the three goals you set for this week? For myself, I chose to exercise every day, get eating back on track, and...

PTfit Daily - Rise to Confidence
New Vlog of ‪#‎PTfitDaily‬ I share just a little bit of my past and how it led me to who I am today. I also share a brief conscious part...

PTfit Daily - Set 3 Goals to Start the Second Half
This week marks the start of the second half of 2016. If you have yet to conquer desired fitness goals, let's make them happen. Start...